Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview, an experimental Android app

Today we have made Firefox OS 2.5 available worldwide. We are also making an early, experimental build of the OS — Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview — available for developers to download on Android devices. This latest version of Firefox OS delivers exciting features including:

  • Add-ons: Just like the add-ons we’ve come to love in desktop browsers, Firefox OS add-ons can extend just one app, several, or all of them, including the system app itself.
  • Private Browsing with Tracking Protection: A new Firefox privacy feature, Tracking Protection allows users to control how their browsing activity is tracked across many sites.
  • Pin the Web: Pin the Web removes the artificial distinction between web apps and web sites and lets you pin any web site or web page to your home screen for later usage.

To find out more about all aspects of the release, visit Firefox OS v2.5.

Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview is an app that lets you experience Firefox OS as an alternate home screen on your Android device without having to re-flash and replace your Android installation. To give it a try, visit the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview, right from your Android device, then click to “Get the Android App.”

Firefox OS 2.5 developer preview homescreenAndroid apps alongside Web apps on the homescreen

Firefox OS 2.5 developer preview CalendarFirefox OS Calendar with Android navigation bar

Firefox OS 2.5 developer preview top sites viewFirefox OS Browser landing page

What is the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview?

You’ve asked how to get involved with the Firefox OS open source project. To date, it’s only been possible to download and explore the latest versions of Firefox OS on specific hardware, such as the Flame device. We’re now working on making Firefox OS more widely available. The Firefox OS Participation Hub provides up-to-date information on getting involved with Firefox OS . The B2G-installer add-on lets you flash a full port of Firefox OS on to an Android device (Note: Firefox OS is under development. Don’t expect it to be bug-free or completely stable.)

Re-flashing existing hardware means losing user data as well as access to Android apps that you may depend on. There’s always an inherent risk of rendering your hardware inoperable, i.e., bricking your device. Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview avoids these issues by replacing the Android home screen with the Gaia (UI) layer of Firefox OS. Effectively you can use Firefox OS while still having full access to your Android apps. Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview makes Firefox OS available to more developers, testers, localizers, and supporters of the Open Web around the world.

If you’re curious to see what Firefox OS is all about, or just interested in testing out new features, the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview app makes it very simple to get started with very little risk involved. By downloading the app, you can experience Firefox OS and explore many of its capabilities, without flashing hardware. If you decide you’re done trying it out, the app can be removed as simply as any other app. If you’re interested in becoming a code contributor or bug reporter, the app makes it dramatically easier to get involved.

What’s the catch?

As a full operating system, Firefox OS has its own task manager, utility tray, navigation buttons, settings, and more. Running on top of Android means that these elements of the operating system may come into conflict with those same system functions on Android. Android launchers were never designed to enable replacement of these operating system functions. As a result we employ various workarounds, where possible, to avoid delivering a poor user experience. For example, Android uses a back button as a primary navigation method. Firefox OS does not. While we are trying to mitigate these issues, the current edition of the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview app should be considered experimental and will most likely contain bugs. We can certainly use your help in discovering, reporting, and fixing issues.

Hacking on the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview

We’d love for you to play with the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview — to scratch your own itch, test an idea, or contribute to the project by improving performance or finding interesting solutions to the conflict problems with Android system functions mentioned above. With that said, if you are interested in hacking on the app, instructions for building it from scratch can be found here. Alternatively, you can make use of WebIDE in the Firefox Developer Edition browser to start making changes directly to the layout and composition of apps in Firefox OS Developer Preview.

Get involved without coding

There are many ways to get involved without contributing code. The easiest way is to install Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview on your Android device and file bugs when you run into problems or discover things that don’t work as expected. If you’re looking for other ways to help, visit our Firefox OS Participation Hub.

Supported devices

The current build will only work on ARM-based devices. It will not work on x86 devices.

Final thoughts

We are very excited about the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview app. We’ve worked hard to produce a Firefox OS experience for Android users. As with all things at Mozilla, this effort is very much a community effort and we welcome all forms of constructive feedback and suggestions for making the experience better.

Got questions about running Firefox OS on new hardware or devices? Try the dev-fxos mailing list or #fxos on IRC. Thanks!

About Peter Dolanjski

Peter is a Product Manager for Firefox and a defender of the open Web.

More articles by Peter Dolanjski…


  1. Marek

    I like FXOS 2.5, esp. View Source feature!
    But pinning is available only via menu and not location bar icon and Speech Synthesis is not producing any sound, is it OK?
    But the rest is quite good and step in the right direction, IMHO…

    November 10th, 2015 at 12:57

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Marek, the pinning design was changed to only be accessible via the overflow menu after usability tests showed access via location bar is not discover-able for most users.
      Glad you like the direction!

      November 10th, 2015 at 13:15

  2. Bruce Ke


    November 10th, 2015 at 23:15

  3. Raul

    so ive been using it and im not keen on it, how do i remove it?

    November 11th, 2015 at 07:14

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Raul, this will depend somewhat on your Android device/version, but typically you go into the Android settings (try pulling down the Android utility tray after opening the Firefox OS one). If you just want to switch back to your other home screen, find “Home screen” settings. That will let you choose a different launcher. If you would like to fully delete it, then find “Apps” in the Settings (usually under a General category). You should be able to find “Firefox OS developer preview” under the Apps listing. Click on it and choose uninstall.

      November 11th, 2015 at 07:38

  4. Narender Singh

    As I own an x86 device (Asus Zenfone), I’d just like to ask if an x86 version is planned or is it out of the plans right now?
    I understand that there are a way less number of x86 devices in the market, but an official word would make it clear on what to expect.

    November 11th, 2015 at 09:33

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      We have not tested on an x86 device, so there is a chance it will just work if you’re willing to give it a try. If there is work to do to get it to be functional we don’t have plans to do so at this time, but we certainly welcome any contribution on testing/code. Bugs can be submitted here.

      November 11th, 2015 at 09:46

  5. Yash Vardhan

    Will it work on Samsung Galaxy S6, SM-920I edition. Will it work on that. I just downloaded and it’s stuck on foxfood page.

    November 11th, 2015 at 09:53

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      I don’t think we’ve tested on an S6, specifically, so there is a chance that bugs exist. Try restarting your device. If that doesn’t work, feel free to file a bug here.

      November 11th, 2015 at 13:13

  6. Narender Singh

    I wonder why there is no reply button in comments. Anyways, it didn’t work out for me. First few attempts only returned ‘Unfortunately stopped’ error and then when it somehow loaded up, I’m stuck on the Foxfood splash screen. It won’t go past that.
    Hopefully the next update will improve something. And thanks for letting me know that there is no hope for my device, I’ll rather try getting an ARM based device.

    November 11th, 2015 at 10:10

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Thanks for giving it a try! Perhaps we’ll have support in the future, but it likely won’t be in the short term.

      November 11th, 2015 at 10:16

  7. Ilija Canović

    Not working on Note 4. I only can see my wallpaper.

    November 11th, 2015 at 10:22

  8. Stewart

    I tried the app but it won’t let me make phone calls, So I want to revert to the original launcher and I can´t find the option!!, in settings/homescreens, there is no option to change the launcher: the only options are wallpaper, layout(three columns or four), and replaceable homescreen(this one only has the options of getting more homescreens vis the marketplace and the default homescreen nothing else). I can´t use my phone right now, the back button doesn´t work and the meny button just relaunches the firefox app. Basically my phone is unusable right now and have not found a way to change the settings.

    November 11th, 2015 at 12:36

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Stewart, what you’re seeing is the Firefox OS settings. You need to get to the Android settings. There are two ways to access them: 1) On the home screen you should see two Settings icons (the one for Android is likely darker in color), 2) After you swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Firefox OS utility tray, try swiping down again to reveal the Android one. Within that tray should be an icon to access the Android settings.
      From there, if you just want to switch back to your other home screen, find “Home screen” settings. That will let you choose a different launcher. If you would like to fully delete it, then find “Apps” in the Settings (usually under a General category). You should be able to find “Firefox OS developer preview” under the Apps listing. Click on it and choose uninstall.

      November 11th, 2015 at 13:00

  9. Marek

    For me, on Samsung S4 Mini device, pressing HW Home buttons does the trick and system asks me which launcher to use…

    November 11th, 2015 at 13:05

  10. Prakash

    I would like to know that it is tested on the nexus 4 devices before i test it. I want to give a try and kindly help in getting this answer from you at the earliest.

    Thank you!
    Prakash Chowdary

    November 11th, 2015 at 14:24

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Prakash, while it has been tested it is not bug-free at this point (thus the developer preview).

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:40

  11. Errol

    I installed the apk on my note Edge last night and now it’s bricked!??
    It was fine before I went to sleep but was being very buggy.
    Then I tried to uninstall it and went back to Touchwiz on Android 5.1.1
    This morning my phone is cold and dead and will not charge no matter what I try…

    November 11th, 2015 at 14:48

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Sorry to hear about your issue. Do you mind sending an email to It will be easier to help there.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:42

  12. nico

    Is the 2.5 version available for fx0 device? Or is it possible to build a version for this device without lots of trouble?

    Thank you!

    November 11th, 2015 at 16:16

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      No, it is not. It is typically up to the hardware manufacturer and/or mobile operator to make new versions available. However, sometimes community members create their own ports. See the available ones here. The fx0 is not on that list at this point.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:44

  13. Wayne

    It works for me. The icons are missing on some apps, not important. I look forward to the full Firefox Os for all devices

    November 11th, 2015 at 23:14

  14. Ashrafur

    I have installed Firefox os2.5 app, on My Walton primo GH2(version KitKat,ram 1GB,rom 8GB,ARM based). But it took too many times to run, when I launched it, finally I didn’t see any apps on home screen without wallpaper. Please help me and fix it.I love Firefox os.
    Thank you

    November 12th, 2015 at 01:30

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi, feel free to file a bug here, describing the issue.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:45

  15. Sesha_

    Is Servo included in this ?

    November 12th, 2015 at 03:25

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Not at this point.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:45

  16. Saji

    Awesome!. Just downloaded and installed on my Samsung Galaxy A5 and it works like a charm. Fell in love with it immediately and it is definitely smoother and slicker than the stock Android 5 Lollipop OS running on it. Thank you Firefox!. :)

    November 12th, 2015 at 04:31

  17. Dave

    Hi Peter. Installed the app on a LG G3 (OS: cyanogenmod). The app initially loaded ok but the page transitions were slow and clunky. The on screen cyanogen back button didn’t work and i’m not sure of the steps to replicate but my phone switched off and wouldn’t boot with a long press of the power button until I removed the battery.

    Is there a plan to support this type of setup? Thanks!

    November 12th, 2015 at 04:34

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Dave, in general we’re trying to resolve the major bugs and inconsistencies due to conflicts with Android system components. Hopefully those issues will be resolved over the next few months.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:46

  18. Vimal

    Firefox OS has definately matured throughout. Its great that you guys provide a launcher to experience it, but the problem is that it uses up a lot of the CPU. I would like it if you could solve this issue

    November 12th, 2015 at 04:44

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Thanks for the feedback. We’ll make sure to take a look at the CPU usage.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:47

  19. Vimal

    It uses up a lot of CPU and drains battery. Please fix this

    November 12th, 2015 at 04:47

  20. Jia Yuan Lo

    What is the minimum version of Android so that I can test out this app? I hope it’s available for Android 4.0…

    November 12th, 2015 at 05:04

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      We haven’t tested on every Android version while it is in development, but you’re likely safe on 4.0 and above.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:48

  21. Bhargav

    Very buggy. restarts itself after launching any app. Using moto g 2014 indian edition (xt1068). Nice try though. Firefox apps(settings, music player, etc) looks refreshing. will definately counting on it.

    November 12th, 2015 at 05:56

  22. bastiaan

    Do you have some idea whether manufacturers of Firefox OS phones (such as the Alcatel OneTouch Fire E) will be providing an update to Firefox OS 2.5 through the regular update channel?

    November 12th, 2015 at 06:55

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      That depends on each manufacturer so I, unfortunately, don’t have a definitive answer for you.

      November 12th, 2015 at 06:57

  23. Edgar Ilasaca Aquima

    In my pone POMP W89 (mtk6589) not work (bootloop) and in Huawei Y221 reboot in 5 minutes of work

    November 12th, 2015 at 07:53

  24. john

    have you tested it on Galaxy S5. I want to try the firefox OS but bit worried about my phone.

    November 12th, 2015 at 08:31

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Not specifically. However, it should not be too hard to disable if it isn’t working for you. You simply access the Android settings and choose a different home screen.

      November 12th, 2015 at 12:26

  25. DK

    Good idea. Wish to see a stable one.
    I am not able to uninstall this app. It does’nt show up in the apps list to uninstall.
    Help please!

    November 12th, 2015 at 08:56

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Sorry to hear about your issue. Do you mind sending an email to It will be easier to help there.

      November 12th, 2015 at 12:27

  26. Zac Meyers

    Does Mozilla accept phone donations or anything?
    I have a very low end device LG L34c, and I know that Firefox OS is focused on low end devices, so its just a question.

    Also does the phone part of Actual Firefox OS phones support CDMA, like Verizon in the US or is it strictly GSM like AT&T in the US or O2 in the United Kingdom (I have never been in the UK so I apologize if O2 has been terminated, I just googled GSM carriers in the UK.)

    November 12th, 2015 at 11:03

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Zac, we do not have a device donation program. The logistics would likely make it difficult. We appreciate the offer, though.
      For the Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview Android app, we don’t have an alternate phone stack that works at the moment. You can just use the Android one. If, however, you’re referring to the overall Firefox OS software, then yes, but it really depends on getting a full device port working. See the list of community and Mozilla supported ports @

      November 12th, 2015 at 12:30

  27. Firefox OS Guide

    Tried this on my LG G2 (Lollipop 5.0.2), no problem with the installation or launching the App, but while all of my installed App loaded on my home screen and I scroll down the screen automatically slides to the next screen which is pinned Apps. Hope this will be resolve soon. Liking the launcher.


    November 12th, 2015 at 11:26

  28. Nathan

    I like the idea behind Firefox OS, and this seems like a good way to get people exposed to it.

    Unfortunately, I hate the interface. One page with all the apps is annoying (four columns which should be the default is less bad, needs five). Every time I scroll down the screen slips to the right side to some page about pinning things.

    It doesn’t look like the actual OS is available on anything but low end phones in other countries though, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

    November 12th, 2015 at 15:35

  29. Andrew

    How do I remove this piece of shit from my phone? NOTHING at all works now on my phone.

    November 12th, 2015 at 19:22

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Andrew, you need to go to the Android settings. There are two ways to access them: 1) On the home screen you should see two Settings icons (the one for Android is likely darker in color), 2) After you swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Firefox OS utility tray, try swiping down again to reveal the Android one. Within that tray should be an icon to access the Android settings.
      From there, if you just want to switch back to your other home screen, find “Home screen” settings. That will let you choose a different launcher. If you would like to fully delete it, then find “Apps” in the Settings (usually under a General category). You should be able to find “Firefox OS developer preview” under the Apps listing. Click on it and choose uninstall.

      November 12th, 2015 at 19:36

  30. Nitin joshi

    Back button is not working in acer e90.

    November 12th, 2015 at 19:32

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      The Android back button currently doesn’t do anything in Firefox OS web apps. Navigation buttons are usually presented within the app and you can swipe back to previous apps from the left edge of the screen.

      November 13th, 2015 at 10:42

  31. Nitin joshi

    There is no option to enable data connection in drop down setting.

    November 12th, 2015 at 19:39

  32. Anwaar Ali

    Terrible Experience on Huawei Honor 3C (2GB RAM and Quad Core)

    Mobile was complete Stuck. After Loading Screen all i could see was black blank screen.

    November 12th, 2015 at 20:38

  33. kariemo

    cannot running on my s4 mini JB 4.2.2
    when i launch it screen flashing!!!

    November 13th, 2015 at 01:25

  34. Geek Dashboard

    Tried it on my Moto G and UI looks really good. How to go back to the previous screen? The back button on my screen seems not working. Am I missing something?

    November 13th, 2015 at 10:22

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      The Android back button currently doesn’t do anything in Firefox OS web apps. Navigation buttons are usually presented within the app and you can swipe back to previous apps from the left edge of the screen.

      November 13th, 2015 at 10:42

  35. Samir

    I installed it on Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE+ (GT-I9506). At first, it got stuck at a “Foxfood” screen (whatever that is) with a little rocket launching into space illustration. So I rebooted the device. Then it showed a Firefox-like background and I got the Firefox OS notifications panel working. But no app icons were showing up. No Firefox OS icons and no Android or Samsung app icons. I could only get to the Samsung TouchWiz notifications panel and Android settings and so on.

    So I rebooted a second time and now the screen is black. Don’t get me wrong, I can get to the Samsung notifications panel. But I mean there are no app icons, and there is no Firefox background even this time around. So I could uninstall it now probably. It’s just that… after the second reboot it’s worse than after the first reboot. I will reboot it again. Third chance!

    Even though it doesn’t work quite right on my device, I’m excited about Firefox OS! This Firefox OS as an app approach is also very interesting. I might even consider flashing my device with a full featured version of Firefox OS if you can get it to work on Galaxy S4 Plus.

    November 14th, 2015 at 07:22

  36. Richard Ayotte

    Too bad it doesn’t work on my Galaxy Note 3. I just see a black screen.

    November 14th, 2015 at 09:59

  37. bastiaan

    With regards to flashing your phone with Firefox OS 2.5: I understand that Mozilla has started a community coordination effort, so that users may install the new Firefox OS on their phones without being dependent on the phone manufacturers for updates, who undoubtably have other priorities.

    For my phone, the community effort website states that the Firefox OS builds haven’t been modified (much). Nonetheless, no source code and/or build instructions, describing how the builds were made, are available. How does Mozilla suggest that the builds can be verified and/or inspected?

    I’m sure the chance of people putting backdoors in firmware is slim, but all the same, seeing as FirefoxOS is a free software project, we should take advantage of the “many eyes”, shouldn’t we?

    November 15th, 2015 at 06:52

  38. nks

    Does it work on ubislate 7/akash device with arm11/v6 devices, i got this error after running the B2GDroid apk “There is problem parsing the package”

    November 16th, 2015 at 08:18

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Sorry to hear. If you don’t mind, you can certainly file a bug, describing the issue here.

      November 17th, 2015 at 08:57

  39. Zac Meyers

    —Very Important—

    This is an opinion from some one who love technology, but has a very small knowledge on coding.
    First, L Launcher is only 5MB, Firefox OS Developer, is a fancy launcher with many more features and a built in app store. It comes in about 90MB. This is crazy. For most people just a simple Launcher would be awesome. And You also deal with much less compatibility issues.

    Second If Dev preview is a way to test apps, why don’t you set up just a virtual machine type app right off the play store. Install “Firefox OS App Tester,” Upload the app the dev made, and presto, instant test.

    If you want to demonstrate Firefox OS itself create an app like Firefox Messaging, Firefox Camera, Firefox Browser, and set it up so you download Firefox Messaging and you can experience the app it self.

    So to recap:
    Create just a launcher
    Create an Android version of Firefox OS App Tester
    Create An Android version of Core apps like messaging, cameras, etc, that an individual can install one at a time.

    One more thing: The app Mozilla put out Firefox OS 2.5 Devoloper Preview does not have a clearly labled OS it works with. 4.4.4 (Kit Kat) ? 6.0.1 (Marshmellow) ? 2.3.4 (Gingerbread) ?
    No one knows!!!!!!!!!!!!

    November 16th, 2015 at 09:30

  40. Luya Tshimbalanga

    The preview seems to completely brick the SD Card inside Samsung Galaxy S5. The device is unable to mount, format the SD card. It is a critical bug but the bugzilla kept on asking the right OS even though B2GDroid is already selected.

    November 16th, 2015 at 19:10

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Hi Luya, thanks for attempting to file it in Bugzilla. If the issue was to do with the Platform field in Bugzilla, just choose anything in the dropdown.

      November 17th, 2015 at 08:54

  41. Karthik

    This app doesn’t work with my phone

    November 17th, 2015 at 05:30

    1. Peter Dolanjski

      Sorry to hear. If you don’t mind, you can certainly file a bug, describing the issue here.

      November 17th, 2015 at 08:53

  42. minidou

    There doesn’t seem to be a Firefox OS 2.5 Simulator in WebIde, where is it?

    November 17th, 2015 at 13:03

    1. Dan Callahan

      We’re actively working on that in Bug 1198877 :)

      November 17th, 2015 at 13:26

  43. Nicolas

    I can confirm it doesn’t work on the Sprint Galaxy Note Edge, SM-N915P tbltespr. I open the app, and I believe once I got to the foxfood screen, but it just hanged there for a while. And now whenever I try to open it (meaning I set it as my default home launcher, and click the home button) it just shows a loading screen, then my screen goes black, and it stays like that forever. (Gonna file a bug report now )

    November 17th, 2015 at 14:48

  44. Kashif

    Hi FF Dev/QA,

    What is your minimum hardware and software requirements using this app/launcher?
    I have tried to use it on xperia Sola (a low end device) but it is unable to start the launcher and due to low RAM device restarts. I tried two times to load FF launcher (it asks on startup) but I fail to do so.

    November 18th, 2015 at 23:01

  45. Ratul

    Pathetic to use in Lenovo a6000. Sometimes its loading itself.
    Good try FFX.

    November 19th, 2015 at 03:25

  46. Luya Tshimbalanga

    Filed report on
    It is critical issue because preview could possibly wipeout data within the phone especially external SD card.

    November 19th, 2015 at 16:42

  47. Kohei Yoshino

    This is *not* Firefox OS 2.5 based on Firefox 38 but Firefox OS 2.6 based on Firefox 45 Nightly. Those are totally different. Be careful if you’d like to support 2.5 with your app because some features like Fetch API or Service Workers are available in 2.6 but not implemented in 2.5.

    Mozilla should rename the product or provide Dev Preview based on 2.5.

    November 22nd, 2015 at 14:46

  48. sagar

    i installed it on a very very old tablet … allwinner a10 processor songle core and 512 mb ram 4gb rom

    android 4.0 i think it is

    after selecting it as home screen

    it keeps on reloading the app … so i get firefoxos boot screen thrn i see something that reads foxfood … then i see the homescreen with all the app icons and then it again reloads

    dinno what to do

    November 23rd, 2015 at 02:32

  49. gourab

    I would like to say- firefox os is making a bright future for its own and the world. I am using a firefox os phone (symphony gofox f15) and it has the very early version of firefox os. Unfortunatly i cant upgrade my phone for latest os version. But i will give a try of installing the firefox os 2.5 android on my bluestack. Haha.

    November 23rd, 2015 at 05:32

  50. Zac Meyers

    This is an opinion from some one who love technology, but has a very small knowledge on coding.
    First, L Launcher is only 5MB, Firefox OS Developer, is a fancy launcher with many more features and a built in app store. It comes in about 90MB. This is crazy. For most people just a simple Launcher would be awesome. And You also deal with much less compatibility issues.

    Second If Dev preview is a way to test apps, why don’t you set up just a virtual machine type app right off the play store. Install “Firefox OS App Tester,” Upload the app the dev made, and presto, instant test.

    If you want to demonstrate Firefox OS itself create an app like Firefox Messaging, Firefox Camera, Firefox Browser, and set it up so you download Firefox Messaging and you can experience the app it self.

    So to recap:
    Create just a launcher
    Create an Android version of Firefox OS App Tester
    Create An Android version of Core apps like messaging, cameras, etc, that an individual can install one at a time.

    One more thing: The app Mozilla put out Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview does not have a clearly labeled OS it works with. 4.4.4 (Kit Kat) ? 6.0.1 (Marshmallow) ? 2.3.4 (Gingerbread) ?
    No one knows!!!!!!!!!!!!

    November 23rd, 2015 at 10:59

  51. Jose M

    It doesn’t work on Kazam Thunder Q4.5, it’s rebooting phone all the time.

    November 26th, 2015 at 01:52

  52. Rishi

    Well it takes a lot of time to set up. And it worked only once and froze my phone after some time. When I restarted it will go past the Firefox loading screen and then stays in the black screen for like eternity.

    December 3rd, 2015 at 10:48

  53. Havi Hoffman [Editor]

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to try this out and share comments. We’re still at work on a Firefox OS experience for Android users. And, we’re still listening for your feedback on the dev-fxos mailing list or #fxos on IRC. Thanks.

    December 4th, 2015 at 14:53

Comments are closed for this article.